Veneers & Bonding

When you choose Urbanview Dental for your restoration treatments, you can trust that your getting the best service and results possible. With continued education and extensive training and experience, they know veneers and bonding.

What is dental bonding?

A painless cosmetic procedure to do minor tooth repairs, bonded restoration, or bonding is the application of a tooth-coloured composite resin to the surface of the teeth. To prepare the teeth for bonding, the dentist will roughen the tooth’s surface with an acidic solution to help create a stronger bond, ensuring strong adhesion between the tooth and the bonding material. To ensure its durability and that it lasts a long time, the bonding material is shaped and hardened with exposure to a special light. Cosmetic bonding can be an affordable alternative to veneers, for example, we use composite resin bonding to repair gaps, chips, and other minor imperfections in the teeth. In most cases, composite bonding teeth isn’t too time consuming and we can bond several teeth in only one dental visit. The advantages of composite resin bonding are:

  • It is matched to the colour of your teeth

  • If the tooth is chipped, we can shape it to seem like the original

  • We use it to build up the teeth and fill gaps between them

  • Restore a broken tooth to its former size

  • Paint over stains to match the colour of the surrounding teeth

What are dental veneers?

Thin, custom-made shells, veneers are a restoration made of tooth-coloured material, porcelain or composite resin designed to cover the front surface of the teeth. Veneers improve teeth’s appearance, and we use them to repair various cosmetic issues, such as chips, misalignment, or discolouration.

Porcelain veneers are stronger and last longer than their composite resin counterparts. Additionally, they don’t stain or change colour. But, they take longer to apply – often at least two visits.

How we do composite resin veneers

As with the preparation for dental bonding, your dentist will apply a mild chemical to the front surface of the tooth to make it rough, helping the resin adhere to the enamel of the tooth. The composite resin is colour-matched to your natural teeth and is applied by your dentist in layers. Each layer applied is exposed to a bright light to harden it. The last layer gets shaped and polished to form the shape of your tooth, giving the final result a smooth, natural look and feel. 

How we do porcelain veneers

The application of porcelain veneers typically requires a local anaesthetic (freezing/numbing) because the dentist will remove a thin layer of enamel from your tooth, prepping teeth for veneers. Your dentist will create a mould of your teeth in order to make your custom-made veneers. As you wait for your final veneers, the dentist will apply a temporary to protect your prepared teeth. You have to treat the temporary veneers very carefully, gently eating and cleaning your teeth, as they are very fragile and come loose very easily. 

The next visit will include applying a mild chemical to your teeth and roughening the surface for better veneer adhesion. The dentist applies the porcelain veneers, glueing them one by one with composite resin cement.


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