
What is Invisalign®?

A remarkable way to straighten your teeth, more easily and virtually invisibly. Invisalign® utilizes a series of custom-made aligner trays created specifically for your teeth. Made of smooth, comfortabl, invisible plastic, the aligner trays are slipped over your teeth,  gradually and gently shifting your teeth into proper place. No more metal brackets to attach and wires to tighten – no more discomfort! Simply pop in a new set of aligner trays every two weeks or so, until your treatment is complete. Enjoy a great new smile without the interference of braces to your daily life. 

Urbanview Dental Clinic is an Invisalign® Preferred provider.  We know Invisalign®! We’ve treated so many Invisalign® cases, that we’ve achieved special preferred status. 

You can expect the cost to range from $1,000-$5,800 depending on how complex the straightening. Call for a free consultation today!

For more information about Invisalign® CLICK HERE!




Periodontal Specialist