Emergencies 24/7

Dental care toronto 24 hours

If left untreated, dental problems can cause a lot of pain and discomfort – often at the worst time!  With our extended evening and Saturday office hours, take advantage of getting in when you need, to resolve your dental emergency. More times available means we can often see you for a dental emergency, typically within an hour of your call.

No matter if you’re only visiting from out of town, are a new patient, or are one of our patients on record, call with your dental emergency during office hours. We will strive to address your emergency usually with same-day service, often within an hour of your call.  If we can’t see you on a specific day or time, we can triage you to one of our other locations.

If you’re a patient of record with an after-hours emergency, leave a message on our emergency hotline. The dentist on call will return your call usually within 30 minutes!

Our office is committed to caring for you well in a dental emergency!

Click HERE to learn more about what to do in a dental emergency.


Periodontal Specialist


Crowns & Bridges